
When you were little, did you ever shuffle your socked feet along the carpet, then zap your brother or sister with just a light touch?  Ha Ha! I did and if you did you have felt the effects of earthing, or grounding…welcome to barefoot blog!

As I try to stay grounded and honor the most recent transition from a 30 year career to ‘who knows what’ I realize “He” knows He knows why I am in this space and time, why I needed the pressure to feel the release and to find some stillness to listen intelligently and follow the energy to my next assignment.  He knows why, mine is not to know the answer to all the ‘whys’ but to be a good student, do what is assigned to me today and He is responsible for the outcomes. I am learning when you lay your trust in something great rather than taking all the pressure on yourself it gives you a release and even if it is fleeting, that feeling that overwhelming feeling of “I’m going to be ok” at that moment is something you will continue to seek and the more we seek the more it will present itself when we are willing to listen to the messengers among us…my inspiration for today was a podcast that spoke of ; Henry David Thoreau’s Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads” which instantly gave me a moment of release and led my mind to an experience I have shared with you all in the past, the beautiful life-changing Women’s Retreat at Mountain Horse Farm with the inspiring ever present Deb Denome, guiding us through an activity in which we stood barefoot on the ground (how long has it been since you have…).  I will never be able to convey the knowledge as lovely and naturally as Deb does, so I used a resource to help communicate the intention… When your body is in direct contact with the earth, without a barrier like shoes or carpet, you’re earthing. Your normal day-to-day builds up a positive charge in the body (like the laptop literally sitting on my lap while I write this blog and the iPhone that resides in my hand throughout the day and the list goes on and on!). Until the last few hundred years, people spent a lot of time in contact with the earth, either walking or sleeping on the ground without anything blocking the transfer of electrons. That was a natural mechanism for getting back to neutral throughout the day and while they slept. We don’t get that these days. Things like wearing shoes and walking around in buildings prevents you from discharging the charge you’ve built up into the ground.

Me again…so try barefoot, I did today! As I sit here writing to you, I am barefoot on the wet cool green grass, listening to the ever-present chatter of the birds, while viewing the stage show of two hummingbirds…hum earthing I think I am intelligently listening today…I’ll do more of this!  If you’re not into the release of electricity from your body to help balance you, then just go back to the basics ‘it’s fun’ and let your mind daydream a bit, to dare I say… childhood, when dirty feet where a way of life!

BTW for any of you that know ‘my Bruce’ he is always barefoot……hummmm hate it when he is right!!!

Mountain Horse Farm, Naples NY


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