Good Morning - Well today is a 'good day'....the website is launched and the it feels just so right.  I read recently that we do not choose dreams, they choose us, we are merely the conduit in which to bring it to life.....that made a lot of sense.  So I start, I start to explore the vision and dream and I offer myself to the highs and lows of the venture and it is my responsibility to share it with you and I am hopeful, no lets say 'I know' this will make a difference for someone and that my friends, will be a good day.

Stay tune for 'Text Book Blog' - where I will be sharing with you actual text from friends during valleys and hilltops, the words and wisdom living in these text need to be shared, someone can use these.  My friends are brilliant and their words, emotions and intention are so well being.  "In"joy.

Inside/Out Living Life Beyond the Surface: And let the peace of god rule in your heart (-Colossians 3:15)


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