"Connected to Her"

It was early Sunday morning February 3 as I found myself in front of a magnifying mirror, my companion, to help me cover up the life that is so spelled out on my face...why must I?? And as with many mornings I am entertained by a performance right outside the bathroom window, staring an array of birds socializing over a morning meal, I am grateful for each of their roles and their reminders of what matters most. Soon after I shed a soft smile upon seeing the Sunday morning show, from my peripheral vision, I sprung fully to the window to 'see' what I 'heard', horse hooves!  This is not necessarily a unique sound at my country home but on Sundays it is certainly more consistent as the Mennonite community hustles off to church. If I am near the window I will always take a peak to see the horses, are they big, are they small are they proud and prancing, are they reliable and at ease...but this morning I saw so much more!
I often see families in buggy's, young and old, many silhouettes as they past quickly by, but this morning I 'Connected with Her'.   As I looked out my bathroom window and she out a buggy window for an instant I felt we saw each other, I saw the outline of her face, her bonnet, her young eyes and glowing skin, I imagined her sitting with her arms crossed on her lap...
As I am covering up the years and styling my hair, she is adorned in a beautiful black bonnet, hair neatly styled in a bun with a fresh soulful face and although our worlds from the 'outside' look miles apart, I thought, are we really that different?  What was she facing this morning, what was she grateful for this morning, does she have hopes and dreams for herself and her children, does she worry about the future, is she a bold fierce mother who would do anything for her children, does she have a strong work ethic and character built on an upbringing that taught her of hard work and the genuine good nature of right from wrong, how different are we...
Just this week in something I read I was reminded that we see God's face in the smile of a loved one, in the song of a songbird, I think this morning I saw it in the face of a young Mennonite woman...I'm not sure if she saw me too, but I like to think she did,  as I absolutely saw her eyes.  What was on her mind this morning, what did she think when she saw me...I am confident we are not that different and among the commonalities we have as a woman the one that stands out to me this morning is that we were both on our way to 'praise' God and fellowship, what a wonderful instant in time, thanks be to God for this connection.


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