Contemplating Manifestation of Dreams

Today I am so very present and so knowing of the phrase 'what you think about you bring about' - I know I know yet another one liner, another slogan (but) just what if, what if it were really that simplistic...
This past weekend I watched 'The Secret' with a good friend (thanks T), I had also read the book recently, additionally my 'random' selections of podcast have circled around this same subject, the power of intention.   So, random in quotes only suggesting this is orchestrated, my frequency is attracting my podcast selections and underlining my desire to understand more and get curious.
I'm again getting curious about this manifestation of dreams and the power of intention, I truly could not have imagined my way to where I am 'today' i.e. all the pathways and choices and lifestyle (and pain) that positions us to our purpose, how exciting. 
Soon I will be facilitating a 'daydreaming' activity (similar to a vision board, but for me, I love the idea of daydreaming...) I am hopeful for the impact of this creative segment being part of my Inside/Out presentations, just get curious! 
To schedule a presentation email me at: or go to the contact page of my website.
BTW: want to know what I am daydreaming about today?  Go to my Facebook page (@seemorelookless)

Until we sit together again...
Be Present to What Matters Most.


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