"On the Radio"

Every now and then its good to just jump out of your 'comfort zone' and today I did just that...
I was invited to speak on a local radio station (98.5 WNYR) to share the story of 'Inside Out' Living Life Beyond the Surface, what a thrill to receive the invitation...and what an opportunity to socialize this great brand and hope to help 'someone' today.  Now as you know by my website I offer 'speaking engagements' and am a professional presenter of nearly 30 years in front of  a live audience but this radio thing that's different!  Most people are fearful of public speaking for me I'm the other way around, I want that energy and audience but hey lets give it a go!

Of course, I had plenty of time to get ready, after all when I first accepted, I had 4 weeks to prepare, but as they say, if it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done and that is where I found myself, in the 'last minute'.   For those of you who don't know me well 'the last minute', is way out of the comfort zone for me, I am a planner, a t crosser and i doter to the umph degree and I absolutely keep my word, so this was going to happen! Pressure on...come up with some talking points something impacting and life-changing and inspirational and and and...GO prepare now!
Enter panic, enter stress, enter fear; what if I say something stupid, what will I sound like on the radio...like someone you trust, someone you would like to meet, someone you want to listen to for even a few minutes, really Brenda - you are going there, yes I did I went there!  Enter the old familiar friends of stress and perfection....have I learned nothing!

As Bruce (my fiance') and Yvonne (my friend who co-host the radio show and invited me) tried to scrap me off the wall and encourage me to just speak from the heart, this is your company, your story, your passion, its not a script and dear Yvonne who is so talented, off-the-cuff' and so familiar with 'radio' gently says 'your overthinking it!' that made me laugh!   Yes I was overthinking it!

Have you ever over-thought something and after it was all said and done you look over your shoulder in that rear view mirror and think yep I over-thought that, I was prepared all along.
Bruce and Yvonne were right, this story comes from my heart its who I am not what I 'do'...when I got in that radio station and just started talking (into a really big mic! just like on TV) I found my peaceful and at ease...glory to God as He went before on this day.

Do something 'out of your comfort zone' it is so inspiring! (and exhausting....but worth it!)


  1. Brenda that was beautiful! And you did such a great job! We loved having you. Hope to have you again!


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