
Showing posts from October, 2019
So interesting how a day can unfold, giving way to pauses that encourage you to believe in the resourcefulness of mankind and the country way of communicating… Today while sipping coffee in ‘full on’ no make up and just out of bed hair, a young man walks onto the porch, as I see him I think, “Oh no what does he want” (yes ‘want’ came to mind first, hum…) and since I have a glass door there is no ‘escaping’ the fact that I am home.   Time to walk the walk, my value is not on the outside as I answer the door in what may look like an early Halloween costume!   But all kidding aside, this is a slight step back in time casting aside the iPhone,  internet, Facebook, Craig’s list etc. to a good old fashion drive in the neighborhood ready to leave your hand written contact information ripped from a small spiral bound notebook situated in the upper right hand pocket of a flannel shirt.  (I expect there will be much more to selling the wood, but I like this version...) The wor